Dec 24, 2008

Ways I have earned $$ Online...1. clickbank

So... I was thinking how the heck can I explain how to make money online when there are SO many different ways! Some can do really well for one person and terrible for another. Some are GREAT and others, well....just SUCK!

I thought I'd stick with what I know best. I'll talk about some of the things I do to earn a living right now. Things that work, and things that don't. I'll even mention things I'm just learning and trying out. Please feel free to leave me any new ideas! After all making $ money online isn't about finding one thing, setting it up, and then suntanning on a beach somewhere (No matter what anyone tells you!). It's about continuing to trying new things, making mistakes and learning, learning, learning!

In each post I'll talk about one area to make money online. Of course I can't cover everything. There are just too many! But I can explain some of the things I have discovered. You may find it helpful , or you may have your own story to share (please leave a comment, I''d love to hear it).

Affiliate programs!

With 1000's of digital products it's easy to find a unique product you can promote. You will have to create a website to promote the items of course (let's hope you took my advice about learning html seriously). Later we'll learn about how to "optimize" your page to try to get on organic search engine listings and the great tools you can use. However the rule I would follow is to look for products you know something about. Something you can write some content about before offering to sell a digital download of the information.

For example, one of my sites sells clock plans which are downloadable. (great for the hobby clock builder) One of the digital partners of clickbank is they offer 30% payment for each sale. I created a website that is aimed towards the hobby builder and offered information and tips. I also offered downloads to clocks plans that people can build themselves via clickbank. Clickbank takes the payment, sends them the download and then mails me a check! This is just an example of one of the many ideas that are possible! You can look at googles trends to come up with ideas or check through the different categories in clickbank. What the heck! If you know a bit of html you can create many different sites targeting many different markets (including subscriptions).

There are even free sites you can use to promote the items and just link to the clickbank payment page. Even through a blog such as Want to build your own grandfather clock?

The Apsen Plan

A unique family heirloom for future generations

Add your own touches, create a unique clocks as a family project.
$12.95 - Purchase and download immediately Easy to follow detailed clock plans with full material lists that the hobby clock builder can follow.

There are many different affiliate programs out there, just do a search on google you'll see what I mean. Click bank just makes it really easy to get started.

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