Dec 21, 2008

Toronto - Winter Wonderland

I woke up this morning to the sounds of snow blowers! I almost didn't get out of bed, I lay there thinking about having to put on my snow pants to go shovel.

Once I finally dragged my arse outta bed and wandered downstairs to look outside I saw a miracle!!

Yes I did!! My neighbour had snow-blowed my whole sidewalk!! What a nice guy.

Now the only thing I really have to worry about is the driveway and the front steps. Considering I haven't yet started my Xmas shopping I was thinking of going out to the shops.

But once I looked out the window and saw the shape of my car....I changed my mind.

No matter how much the snow makes me cringe, there is always someone who loves it!

Of course, if I get a nice thick fur coat for xmas maybe I'll go out to frolic in the snow piles too *xmas hint*

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