Webmaster Tools is a snapshot of everything you need to know (and it's free). The information it gathers on your site is priceless.
- Top Search queries (impressions and clickthroughs)
- Links to your site (who is linking to what page)
- Keyword significance of your site
- Crawl errors
- Diagnostics and HTML suggestions
- You can even go to a lab to see exactly how googlebot sees your site!
- Site performance (how fast your site loads, tools to make it load faster)
- If any Malware is detected on your site
- Sitemaps can be submitted to tell Google about pages on your site they may not have discovered
- Subscriber stats and more!
Set an easy robots.txt for Googlebot. Here's a great site that can teach you more about robots.txt http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html.